The 2 Pink Floyd that David Gilmour dislikes

Pink Floyd has taken the world by storm. Their journey in music started with the release of The Piper At The Gates Of Dawn’ in 1967 but rose into the mainstream in 1973 with the release of “Dark Side Of The Moon.” David Gilmour has been with the band since the very beginning of their debut.

The singer and guitarist of the band has experienced the thick and thin of the band. Over the years Pink Floyd has released 15 studio albums and many of them are considered masterpieces. If you were given a choice to select your favorite albums from best to least, it’s sure a hard decision but not for David Gilmour.

Back in 1988 Gilmour and journalist B. Pinnell were talking about Pink Floyd albums and Gilmour stated about the two albums that he disliked the most.

David Gilmour hated these two albums

‘Atom Heart Mother’

The album was released in 1970 and it was their fourth album. In a 2001 interview with Mojo magazine, Gilmour revealed the time when the band was still trying to find a way into the mainstream of music.

“We didn’t know where we were going in terms of recording. But we were pretty good live. We were very good at jamming. But we couldn’t translate that onto record. Gradually, a direction revealed itself to us. A line that began with the ‘Saucerful of Secrets’ track all the way to ‘Echoes’, via the long piece ‘Atom Heart Mother’”.

“That was a good idea but it was dreadful. I listened to that album recently. God, it’s shit, possibly our lowest point artistically. ‘Atom Heart Mother’ sounds like we didn’t have any idea between us. But we became much more prolific after it,” Gilmour said.

He even stated that the album was “absolute crap” during an interview with The World magazine. “All I’ve ever tried to do is play music I like listening to. Some of it now, like ‘Atom Heart Mother’, strikes me as absolute crap. I no longer want or have to play stuff I don’t enjoy”.


Yep, you read that right, Ummagumma is another album that Glimour disliked the most. The album was released in 1969 and it received many positive responses from the fans but Gimour had something else to say.

During an interview with Rolling Stone in 2011, Gilmour recalled the moment when the group were still trying to find their spot in the world of music and were moving forward with whatever they could.

“We were fairly brave, and would put anything on a record that amused us one way or another. But in some of those moments we were floundering about. (We) didn’t have our forward momentum very clear, and inspiration might have been a bit thin on the ground at times,” David Gilmour said. 

After Syd Barrett left the group, the band had to work with everything. They had to find their own music and Gilmour had to find a way to make his guitar style like Barrett’s. As time went by the group started to adopt Gimour’s style and eventually, the fans loved their music.

“In the beginning I had to quickly adapt to them. Play stuff that I had no clue what I was doing, it was probably dreadful. It was also excruciatingly embarrasing to the extent that I used to mostly play with back to the audience.”

“I was very embarrassed and nervous about what I was doing. Also, I didn’t feel so sure of myself, I didn’t know what to play. I had to try and play on these songs. (Also these) sort of templates that the band and Syd had been playing on for some time. I was conscious that I needed at some point try and make it more my own,” he said.


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